Hikaru Shipping Line was established in 2012, Head Quartered in Dubai- a truly global and regional Hub.
The company has grown beyond a regional boutique carrier, aiming to become a leading player specialized in moving your merchandise from the most signicant exporting regions to variety of niche markets specially in the north eastern hemisphere. This has been achieved by launching deep-sea routes that supplement Hikaru’s potent regional services in the Arabian Gulf.
Agility and adaptability are most notable characteristics of Hikaru, with which it has furthered common benchmarks of the industry, laser focused on identifying what the customers truly value, so that Hikaru’s strategies are always aligned with needs of the market.
Hikaru Shipping Line is proud to have accomplished so much with the aid of an agile and resilient management as well as a never-tiring team of professionals. It continues to grow with the aim of adding tangible values to the industry.